iOS 18 Enhances Security by Expanding Activation Lock to Cameras, Batteries, and Other iPhone Components

by - 05:57:00


locked phone

In an ongoing effort to combat iPhone theft, Apple has introduced a groundbreaking update with the release of iOS 18. According to reports, the new software extends the Activation Lock feature beyond the device itself to include individual components such as batteries, cameras, and displays. This move aims to deter thieves from reselling stolen iPhone parts by linking them directly to the original owner's Apple Account.

Tackling the Stolen Parts Market

Historically, stolen iPhones have been made useless due to Apple's Activation Lock, which prevents unauthorized access to the phone. However, a thriving gray market emerged where stolen devices were stripped down and their parts sold off. The latest iOS update closes this loophole, ensuring that components like screens and cameras are bound to the owner's Apple ID.

With iOS 18, any attempt to replace key components prompts the iPhone to request the Apple Account password of the original owner. If the correct credentials aren’t provided, the replacement part will have limited functionality, making it more difficult for thieves to profit from stolen devices.

Apple’s decision to implement this enhanced security feature comes in response to demands from both users and law enforcement, who have urged the tech giant to make iPhones less attractive to thieves. By adding this additional layer of protection, Apple hopes to further reduce the market for stolen parts.

Currently, the feature is being tested by developers and public beta users, with plans to roll out iOS 18 to the public on September 16. The new Activation Lock feature will be available on iPhone XR and later models, with iPads running iPadOS 18 unaffected.

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