by - 13:53:00

Slide Airtime App is one App that guarantees you access to MTN recharge cards as often and you want it. I too didn’t believe it until I saw people cashing out every day and using the call credit to make calls, send SMS and even for making internet subscription. I will therefore show you how to get free recharge card online using Slide Airtime App.

You need to download Slide App and its available on both the Android PlayStore and the Apple IOS App store. If you are reading this for a smart phone, click this linkto download now.

After downloading, register the app with your email and address and please verify your phone number. The number will be used to give you the Airtime.

To earn you first payment of free airtime from the slider app, go to the MENU button at the top and click it. Select PROMOTIONS and input GSMGIST in the space provided before submitting. You can accumulate call credits by referring the app and your unique code (see your unique code by click the INVITE FRIEND link under MENU) to others people too and you earn 50 naira each time you do.

You will also make money every time your phone is idle and the Slide Airtime App is displaying advertisement and news from around the world. Another means of making money is by downloading apps or watching funny promotional video from the app.

Some people have made more than 5, 000 naira from the app and trust me; you too can make a few bucks too from the application.

Note: The Free MTN recharge card is via VTU and you can even share with friends.

Start now.

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